Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Introduction Paper Essay
I am 30 years of age and have been taking school courses throughout the most recent 11 years. I have consistently gone to on low maintenance premise and I have never taken any late spring courses. During the 11 years I have taken around two years off, and have authoritatively changed my significant multiple times. I have a great deal of work experience that lines up with my present Business Management Major. I appreciate finding out about Human Resources and have consistently figured I would appreciate a situation in the Human Resources division. Scholastic Background At the point when I began this excursion I needed to be a bookkeeper, after my first semester at Saint Paul College an I understood, I would not like to be a bookkeeper! The classes were hard and a great deal of work, there was simply an abundant excess to learn. I had an enthusiasm for kids and growing up I generally needed to be an educator, so I exchanged into a significant in Child Development (CD). I endured around two semesters of CD courses and discovered this was not the correct way for me either. The teachers over and over reminded the understudies that vocations in the CD field are not tied in with bringing in cash (in light of the fact that there isn't a great deal of cash in this field) yet rather about working with the kids. I figured I DO need to bring in cash and as opposed to working with kids I would simply have my very own portion further down the road. I additionally understood that on the off chance that I finished this program, at long last I would have instruction however no work understanding. Now I had no clue about what I would get a degree in. I took a gander at my resume and understood that I had involvement with activities the executives, Import/Export, different administration positions at drive-thru eateries, and broad client care understanding. I reached the determination that a degree in Business Management would profit me most, as it will guarantee I have the training to coordinate the experience. In 2009 I moved on from Saint Paul College with an AA just as an AS in Business Management and in 2010 I moved to Metro State University to finish my BS. This Course and Past HR Courses I took an Introduction to Human Resource Management course in 2004 of which I got An evaluation, yet it didn't fulfill this course as required for the finishing of my BS in Business Management. Since I have just taken a comparable course, I do trust I can get another passing mark, and conceivably get the hang of something I may have neglected beforehand. I anticipate hearing the points of view and thoughts on the best way to deal with various circumstances from different understudies. Increasingly about Me I have been with my sweetheart for very nearly 10 years; we have a one year old little girl and plan to go after another after this semester is finished. We have three enormous canines running in age from 6-15, and once had an unshaven mythical serpent. We live 45 miles north of the twin urban communities in Harris †a town of around 1000 individuals. I work all day at BAE Systems in Fridley as an administration property chairman, with past positions held in Accounts Payable, Travel Accounting, and finance. End As should be obvious my way through school has been a befuddling one, and has had its disappointments and victories. Since I am on the correct way, I would like to be a fruitful agent. With my client assistance and finance understanding, I have consistently considered I would be a decent qualified for a HR agent. I am another mother and anxious to extend my family further! I drive to work and include held a few situations inside the organization. I am only a normal individual working my way through life and attempting to acquire training to make an incredible nature far and away superior.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
To Kill A Mocking Bird And Parents Essays -
To Kill A Mocking Bird And Parents Child rearing is a demonstration of being a parent, which implies you show love and care towards your posterity. Harper lee's book To Kill A Mockingbird, shows the contrast in child rearing of the characters Bob Ewell and Atticus Finch. A few different ways these two characters are distinctive is delineated in this exposition by: indicating the contrast in the cleanliness of themselves and their youngsters, their ways of life, their locale acknowledgment, and their ethics and qualities. Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell are enhanced from various perspectives in this novel that is the reason I decided to differentiate them. The primary distinction among Atticus and Bob is themselves and their youngsters' cleanliness. Sway Ewell's youngster Burris was a debased kid, ?he had a dim dark neck, the backs of his hands were corroded, and his fingernails were dark profound into the brisk? (Lee 27). Burris was told by the educator to leave right on time to ?wash you hair with lye cleanser. At the point when you've done that, treat your scalp with lamp fuel? (Lee 26). Burris was maddened by this comment reacting, ?You ain't sendin' me home missus? (Lee 27), this showed a kind of cautious side to the children because of their fathers absence of child rearing they need to battle for themselves in a coldblooded uncertain world for a youngster his age. Scout furthermore, Jem were very much prepared youngsters no grimy garments or face were kept on them for quite a while like Burris. The following divergent trademark is that of their ways of life. The Ewells lived behind the town trash dump in what was previously a Negro's lodge. ?No monetary flatuatuion change their status? (Lee170). The lodge's board dividers were enhanced with sheets of folded iron, its rooftop shingled with tin jars pounded level, so just its general shape recommended its unique precious stone. ?The varmints made some lean memories of it, the Ewells gave the dump an exhaustive gathering each day, and the products of their industry made the plot of ground around the lodge resemble the playhouse of a crazy youngster? (Lee 170). ?No one was very certain what number of kids were on the spot? (Lee 171), demonstrating their way of life to be degenerate to such an extent that no one truly needed to go to the landfill to see who or what was there. Atticus, Calpurnia, (the maid), scout, and Jem lived on the principle private road around. Atticus had enough to help his family since he was ?admitted to the bar and came back to Maycomb and started his training? (Lee 4), and furthermore to get by. The following extremity among Bob and Atticus is their locale acknowledgment. Bounce Ewell was considered as a ?visitor of the region in success just as in the profundities of a downturn? (Lee 170). The Ewells were not preferred by numerous individuals due to their abnormal respectability, and their unfortunate propensities. ?no general wellbeing official could free them from innate infections? (Lee 170). ?He (Atticus) like Maycomb, he was Maycomb area brought up? (Lee 5). The people group acknowledged Atticus with extraordinary worship with him being a legal counselor for them, prepared to serve and ensure them when legitimization was required in their life. ?he knew his kin, they knew him, and on account of Simon Finch's industry, Atticus was connected by blood or union with about each family in the town? (Lee 5). The last differentiate that I will relate, are Bob and Atticus' perspectives on ethics and values. Bounce Ewell was a lot of a partiality against blacks; his allegation drove to the Tom Robinson preliminary, obviously accusing a dark. Weave Ewell doesn't very honorable protective ethics/values, because of the way that ?They (his children) didn't need to go to class, for a certain something? (Lee 31), indicating he truly couldn't have cared less that much. Atticus had prudent ethics/values, he, despite the fact that doled out, took the Tom Robinson case, despite the fact that he realized he would have been scandalized for it. ?You may hear some terrible discussion about it at school, yet do one thing for me maybe: you simply hold your head up high (Lee 76). Atticus indicated that he wouldn't like to have this trouble his kids as Atticus says in the book, ?I'm essentially protecting a Negro-his name's Tom Robinson? cal knows his family well. She says they're spotless living people? (Lee 75). Likewise, Atticus raises another great good/esteem. In the blessing giving process, Atticus gives Jem and Scout air-rifles and advises them to ?execute all the bluejays you need, on the off chance that you can hit'em, yet recall it's just plain wrong to murder
Monday, August 10, 2020
How to Buy Article Review Online and Who Can Help You Write it
How to Buy Article Review Online and Who Can Help You Write it Buy Article Review Online What is a Review Article and Why Students Need Help with it? From time to time students receive a task to write a review on articles in chemistry, physics, philosophy, psychology, or other discipline and they often approach the assignment by asking themselves What is a review article? For many students the task to write an article review can be a challenge, especially if they have never done this before. Thus, they need help, which ranges from using a well-written article review example to hiring an expert who will complete the task for them. Writing an article review is as tiring as it is time-consuming, so for those who want to cope with the assignment fast and receive a good grade, professionals writing services are indispensable. In case you are wondering how some students manage to cope with the backlog of schoolwork and submit a perfect journal article review each time, the answer is obvious they buy article review instead of writing it on their own. If you also would like to manage your time more effectively and enhance your academic performance, you can contact our professional writers and delegate your written assignments to them. Our team consists of experts qualified in different disciplines, so each time you choose our company - you choose papers that are created by some of the best experts in the industry.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Report On An Engineering Firm Is Saudi Arabia - 2255 Words
Khaled Alhabodal Jeremy Kingma Engineering 11-5-2016 Introduction My name is Khaled, as a young boy growing up in Saudi Arabia, I was always fascinated by fast cars and machinery used in the oil fields. I have always wanted to be part of the maintenance personnel in either the car industry or oil mining sector. After graduation in the year 2012, I set my eyes on obtaining a degree related to my interests which are the maintenance of heavy machinery and fast moving cars, upon consultation with a variety of people, I was reliably informed that Mechanical Engineering was the safest bet for me. I would especially love the opportunity to work Saudi Aramco, an engineering firm is Saudi Arabia. I hope to gain from my university degree†¦show more content†¦At the age of sixteen, my classmates even named me as one of the most promising students in a science related discipline. After graduating from high school in the year 2012, I set out doing numerous odd jobs as I tried to establish a firm footing for my future studies since it has always been my dream to obtain professional training in Mechanical Engineering, I made sure I submitted my application to every call for scholarship opportunities and made several applications to world acclaimed universities that would be able to give me the training I so desired. My academic pathway has, however, not been all a bed of roses, I struggled through high school to transition to a more mathematical Physics when we were done with the lower levels of high school, I actually had to enlist the help of a friend who seemed to have all the way with the computations, I loved the way he put beauty into everything he did. Curves had to be perfect, computations had to be explained all through the paper and conclusion reached had to be heavily linked to the discussions we had presented on the paper. Biology was another headache, I just had problems meeting the strict requirements imposed by the subject when I had always been liberal with words, Biology forced me to get straight to the point in the simplest form possible and at the same time make sure the words I used were as per specified in the various texts. In University, the academic environment is a
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stay at Home Moms vs Working Moms Free Essays
Many women have careers before they began their family. But once the first child arrives, it is time to decide whether to be a stay-at-home mom or to go back to work. There are many factors that go into this decision and it is different for every family. We will write a custom essay sample on Stay at Home Moms vs Working Moms or any similar topic only for you Order Now Making a decision to stay at home with the children or join the workforce can be a difficult process. I have been fortunate to experience being a stay-at-home mom for three years. I’ve come o realize the benefits of becoming a stay-at-home mom versus a working mom is having more time with the children, less stress, and it saves financially. One of the biggest and most obvious benefits of being a stay-at-home mom is the amount of time available to spend with the children. A stay-at-home mom is assured her children are being raised in a healthy, positive environment. Stay-at-home moms can expect fewer doctor bills, some children don’t come in contact with as many viruses and bacteria at home than at a daycare. If they do get a cold or the flu, the parent at home does not have to scramble to find care or ask for a day off of work. They are already at home with the child. Mothers at home have their busy days, but also have days where they spend time doing things just for the kids. They can go to the park at a moments notice. As a stay-at-home mom, I have the time to sit with my children and read books, play with race cars, and teach them the letters of the alphabet. Some benefits of being a stay-at-home mom is the mother is able to teach and educate her children, and have more consistent discipline. By staying at home, mothers can ensure that their children have the best start in life, by giving them the love and support they need. Staying at home can mean reduced stress to a slower, less frantic pace. While the world around us is going a million miles an hour, my children’s world is calm and stable. There is no morning rush to get everyone out the door and there are no chaotic evenings where we are not sure who is going to cook supper. I can give my children the time they deserve instead of cramming in time here and there. It is true that raising children can be stressful, but mothers who stay at home have less stress upon them than the working moms. Probably one of the biggest factors helping to decide if a parent should stay at home with the children is whether it is economically feasible. In many small ways, my being at home enables us to live on less (which means we have less income). Because I am at home, I have the time to keep track of our finances month-to-month and put together a detailed shopping list which helps keep our grocery bill to a minimum. Transportation expenses also often drops for stay-at-home moms. This can also decrease the premiums of auto insurance. A benefit of staying at home has the ability to save on or even eliminate the cost of child care. One of the most easily forgotten factors is taxes will decrease with the loss of that second income. After all, the decrease in taxes is not only in terms of dollars but also in the tax bracket. A stay-at-home mom eats out less often on average. Also the amount a stay-at-home mom spends on clothing generally goes down significantly. There is little need for a stay-at home mom to constantly buy new clothing. When a mother decides to stay-at-home, she can cut the hidden cost of work funds. Stay-at-home parenting is a full time occupation and definitely not and easy one. For my husband and I, we felt that taking a more active role in our children’s care, raising them up in the things we believe, and teaching and loving them for those precious early years would be beneficial to them. The best part of staying at home is setting my own schedule and getting to do fun things with my kids. Each set of parents has an idea of how they want their children to be raised. No one can raise children the way parents want except the parents themselves. There is a special bonding and interaction that grows and takes place between parents and children when either parent is able to stay at home. Sharing everyday life with kids, seeing them growing on a daily basis and giving the love and attention the need can make both parents and kids happy. How to cite Stay at Home Moms vs Working Moms, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Religions Spread Through Conquest (2402 words) Essay Example For Students
Religions Spread Through Conquest (2402 words) Essay Religions Spread Through ConquestWhen studying history, both in a professional and academic sense, we try to make connections between civilizations and time periods. Historians have attempted to discover universal constants of human nature, a bond that forms from continent to continent, human being to human being. Is there a constant quality that all peoples posses, and is reflected in all civilizations? Indeed, it is extremely difficult to make generalizations about centuries of modern history. To say that something is true of all of history is virtually impossible, as a counter-example exists for just about anything that can be said of any group of civilizations. To say that all religions are spread by violence is equally unfair and untrue because contrasted religions has been spread in exceedingly diverse regions of the world, by vastly different cultures. Islam, as a prime example, has been characterized inequitably by historians and the media as a religion of violence. To put i t bluntly, as this article does, Islam was mainly spread through Arab territorial conquests (Sudo, 4). However, upon examination, it is not fair to make the generalization that Islam is a religion of violence, and one notices when looking at world religion on a whole, one finds that Islam was no more violent than any other religion. In fact, not only is Islam not a fundamentally violent philosophy, but we can also see that many other religions normally considered non-violent, such as Christianity or Hinduism, have been spread through bloody conquest. Thus, in searching for a universal constant of history, we ought not fall into the fallacy of abstractions, as Sydney J. Harris keenly puts it, and assume that because of isolated incidents and conflicts of territorial ambitions, that all religions have violent tendencies. Islam has, throughout the centuries, been somewhat a victim of circumstance indeed it has been perceived by many as oppressive and cruel. This belief originated over a thousand years ago, when Islamic peoples first threatened the western world. As they slowly undermined Byzantine authority, Christians became terrified of their presence, resulting in widespread animosity and aversion. Hindus and Buddhists of the South Asian subcontinent lived under Islamic law for hundreds of years (Ahmad, et. al., 186), and eventually, in the twentieth century, split the region into angry factions (Ahmad, et. al., 207). Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, was a great warrior. This invariably lead defeated peoples to believe that he begot a cult of war and violence. Over the centuries, it also has developed the ability to instill a sense of holy purpose onto its believers and soldiers, where they go into a battle of certain death for their faith in the jihad, or holy war. Even today, the jihad is still a potent source of conflict and aversion, as the many of the problems in the Middle East center around the issue of Islamic Fundamentalism and the jihads. Originally, Islam was perceived by western historians as a religion of violence and conquest; by preying on the caravans of the Quraish, weakened them to the point of submission (Mohammed and Islam, 1). In fact, Mohammed was a warrior, aristocrat, and brilliant strategist a stark contrast to many other holy men of history. He was forced to both defend his cities and force submission, as the passage had shown, because of the strong military powers of his religious predecessors and oppressors, the pagans of the Middle East. Islam means submission according to the Islam discussion in class and one might assume that the submission was attained through military and forceful means. In fact, while Mohammed preached peace from 610 to 622 AD, he attracted few converts and was persecuted by the current ruling paganistic regime. After the visions of 622 AD, he realized that his cause was even more urgent than before, and only at that point did he begin to utilize his military skills (Class Discussion). However, despite the more violent nature that his quest took, even after the revelations by Gabriel in 622 AD, by reciting his revelations aloud, Mohammed made many converts, (Mohammed and Islam,1). Mohammed was not a purely violent man, but also a great speaker and demagogue (Mueller, 2). He did not solely attack the pagans of the Middle East, he also attracted a great deal of converts by the truths he spoke. If he could be ruthless, he was more often gentle, kind, generous, magnanimous. He could be Christ-like in his sympathy for the poor (Mueller,2 ). Another non-violent way of spreading Islamic culture was through the merchant system which developed around its new centers of trade and culture in both Mecca and Medina (Ahmad, et. al., 572). People from all around the region would come to those cities to trade, and w ere attracted by the religion. As Islam developed and spread rapidly, its control quickly began to encroach on Byzantine territory where it found diverse groups of people, who resented the foreign control of the flailing western power. The people viewed the Middle Eastern Islamic conquerors as liberators from the oppressive Byzantine Empire, and welcomed both Islamic soldiers and religion. In addition to other non-violent means of conquest, when Muslims actually did militarily gain territory, they allowed other religions to grow around them. They did not force conversion by slaughter in the name of Allah, as Christians often did. The Muslims were tolerant of both foreign religions, peoples, and traders. They welcomed Far Eastern merchants into their territory. In India, while they did militarily gain control of the South Asian subcontinent, they never forced conversion, nor did they enter the territory with a religious intent. Indeed, the reason that the Hindu and Muslim clashes aro se was based on religious differences, which were largely initiated by the Hindus, who viewed their conquerors as heretics not the opposite (Ahmad, et. al., 186). In fact, that page of the text also notes that the first Delhi sultans set up hundreds of schools, hospitals, and other public establishments. The Koran was very tolerant, accepted many beliefs, and was another basis for the peaceful spread of Islam. The Koran, according to The Koran article and class discussions, appealed to the impoverished and the destitute people from all walks of life could embrace the Koran, because it was targeted at them, not at the government-ranking aristocrats that most other religions were centered around, as those religions had been created for the purpose of social control, rather than deep spiritual convictions or for spiritual well-being. The Muslim needs no priest nor intermediary to pray to Allah the only spiritual transmitter to god he needs is prayer Islam does not even require a mo sque or temple for litany. The actual religion of Islam preaches decidedly against violence and speaks out against aggression. The concept of jihad refers to? inner spiritual struggle of Muslims for self control in order to do good (Sudo, 5). Actually, the average Muslim is not violent, nor is he driven by any form of holy conquest. Islam has been unfairly depicted as a religion spread through Jihad and the lure of riches and conquest. But Islam, the most unlikely of candidates, has been, throughout the centuries, a relatively tolerant religion. It has never believed in any form of religious genocide, nor had any inquisitions or messianic crusades, as religions of many other parts of the world did. In fact Akbar I of 1556-1605 AD, the third ruler of the Mughal Empire, took the ultimate steps toward tolerance, by marring a Hindu princess, and allowing Hindus a strong role in the government (Ahmad, et. al., 187). The wars that Islam fought have been rather secular, despite the fact th at their government often was not. However, the same cannot be said of Christian, Hindu, and Aztec government, all which had strong ties to both violence and conquest, and indeed, while often are characterized as non-violent forms of religion (with perhaps the exception of Aztec), are equally as violent as Islam, if not more so. Oedipus Rex Character Analysis EssayTo say that religion on a whole is violent and counter productive would be a massive abstraction and a false one too. In fact, the purpose of this essay is not to denigrate the notion of organized religion, but to clarify the purpose of the Islamic religion, and to dispel the commonly held notion that Islam is solely a cult of violence. Through the ages, religion brought light to literally billions of people. It has inspired artists, scientists, writers and scholars. It was the founding basis of Western Civilization, and our entire society. We cannot deny its overriding role in our history. The purpose of this essay is also not to contrast Islam as good and Christianity as bad. Truly, Islam, when closely examined, is a rather tolerant and non-violent religion it has no history of imperialism, nor has it ever forced the conversion of mass people. Whatever violence it has created, it is at least not any worse than any other religion. In summary, it is not fair to say that religions are fundamentally violent, nor does it do justice the study of history, which indeed proves to us that often religion had a far nobler purpose. Would our world perhaps have been a better place? That question can never be answered We do know, however, that religion was both violent and beneficial to classify it as one or the other would not do it justice. However, we will continue our search for the universal constant, and perhaps the study of religion will someday bring us closer to the truth.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Symbols Used in â€ÂNoli Me Tangere†by Jose Rizal Essay Sample free essay sample
The characters of the novel were drawn by Rizal from individuals who really existed during his clip. * Juan Crisostomo Ibarra – the supporter Represented the flush and broad European educated Filipino ( Ilustrado ) and desired the instruction of the people * Elias – represented the Filipino multitudes wanted to emancipate the people from the unfairnesss suffered from the Spaniards and represented Rizal himself * Maria Clara – The object of Ibarra’s love and fondness. * Trained in a convent and immersed in instruction that is spiritual in orientation. * Salome – Elias’ girlfriend * Same with Maria Clara epitomizes muliebrity in their fidelity. shyness and modestness and represents Leonor Rivera * Padre Damaso – the chief adversary in the novel.* A typical domineering mendicant during Rizal’s clip.* Arrogant. immoral and anti-Filipino* Often mistaken as a Dominican priest.* Pilosopo Tasyo – perceived to be a sage by the educated and a moonstruck orWyrd by those who did non cognize him. * Represents Paciano. Rizal’s older brother* Capitan Tiago – Don Anastacio de los Santos* Husband of Pia Alba* His wealth came from illegal opium trade* Example of a subservient Filipino to the Spanish governments for protection and security * Capitan Juan Sunico of San Nicolas* Sisa – the female parent of Basilio and Crispin* Symbolizes Filipinos deficiency of concern in facing and deciding jobs facing Filipino society. We will write a custom essay sample on Symbols Used in †Noli Me Tangere†by Jose Rizal Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * But illustrates the typical Filipino female parent. Ready to support their kids from all signifiers of unfairness and accusals. * Basilio and Crispin – represents the Crisostomo brothers in Bulacan * Padre Salvi – represents an immoral and coward mendicant * Was believed to be Father Antonio Piernavieja. the despised Augustinian mendicant who was killed b the nationalists during the revolution. * Dona Victorina – married woman of Don Tiburcio de Espadana.* A societal climber. An Indio who wanted to be treated as a Spaniard for her hubby was a citizen of Spain. * Dona Agustina Medel* Dona Consolacion – kept woman of the Alferez* Symbolized the outlook of the Guardia Civil: Vulgar. cruel and quarrelsome The novel calls for the Filipino to:* Regain his ego assurance* Appreciate his dignity* Return to the heritage of his ascendants* Assert himself* To be to the Spaniards* Insists in the demand for instruction* Dedication to the state* Absorbing the facets of Western civilization that could heighten native traditions
Friday, March 6, 2020
Types of technical report Essays
Types of technical report Essays Types of technical report Paper Types of technical report Paper A progress report gives Information on the history of particular project over a Limited period of time. Since It Is the nature of a progress report to be partially completed Is submitted midway through the project completion or as the need rises. According to Mills and Walter (1980), a progress report is composed of transitional introduction and a prophetic conclusion. Transitional Introduction Transitional Introduction Refers to the detailed discussion regarding the completed ark given the present time frame. Prophetic conclusion Prophetic conclusion refers to the projected completion of a project and the circumstances surrounding Its completion. The Preliminary Report A preliminary report Indicates the validity of a particular project. It takes Into account the basic requirements when putting up a project or the considerations the proponent needs to know. The Periodic Report A periodic report is written for the sole purpose of providing updates for the client who commissioned it. The report includes details pertinent to the project status. It primarily uses statistical data that reflect the dealings made for the subject. Two classifications of Periodic report: Routine report Refers to a report written by an assigned employee or employees to his/her superiors. Let includes the status of the company, the employees, the materials and the like. Annual report It is a periodic report of the organization as a whole, taking note of transactions made by the company general/official regarding the organizations performance. Final report A final report is submitted after the completion of a project. It shows how the reports was carried out. It Is detailed and contains relevant Illustrations. It serves as a permanent record of a project. Examination report decision-making strategies and out comes. The premise of any examination report is that it is well researched and well-written. Three general classifications of examination: 1 . Reader- may deal with readers whose in of work involves technical/scientific know how. 2. Contents- may involve groups dealing with persons, processes structure or materials. 3. Purpose- the report reflects the type of information target readers would want to know.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Chemistry Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chemistry - Term Paper Example Identification by mass sets this element as the third-most abundant element in the universe after elements of hydrogen and helium. Representatively by dry air volume, oxygen forms about 20.9476% (209,460 ppmv) of the atmosphere by volume at the sea level temperatures of 150C; thus, making it the third largest compound. Understanding the composition of oxygen and its molecular composition is essential in its incorporation to further chemical uses given that it is a primary atmospheric industrial gas product. For instance, given that one has 32 grams of oxygen, this will be equivalent to one mole of Oxygen gas while 16 grams of the same would be a representation of Oxygen element. This implies that the molecular mass of Oxygen is 32 grams while its atomic mass is 16 grams. By ratio compared to dry air, Oxygen forms about 23.20% of the atmospheric air by weight and has a boiling point of -182.950C. Oxygen forms about 85% of the earth’s elements such as oceans, and is a component of most minerals and rocks given that 46% of these rocks and minerals comprises of Oxygen. Subsequently, the compound forms about 60% of the human body mass. Oxygen as a chemical compound possess distinct properties such as being colorless, being tasteless and odorless. Oxygen also has the property of being poorly soluble in water. A particular gravity of 1.105 is enough to make oxygen be slightly heavier than air. When the Oxygen is cooled to its boiling point of -1830C, it turns appearance and becomes a transparent, pale blue liquid that has a slightly heavy weight than water. Oxygen as a compound can react with all elements, excluding the inert gases resulting in the formation of oxides through a varied reaction rate (oxidation). Even though oxygen in itself is non-flammable, it enhances the combustion process; thus, enabling all flammable materials to burn vigorously. The use of oxygen in industrial
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The Immigrant Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Immigrant Experience - Essay Example ead it deals in a matured manner, and analyses the complex relationship between a mother and daughter, while exploring family relationships, female intuitions, and various other interrelated subjects, against the backdrop of sexual and political violence. At the end, the novel speaks of a possibility of emotional healing, even within the realms of death and destruction. The message that this book sends out, is that, for complete emotional healing one must go beyond all political reasoning, and allow the inner self to grow and metamorphose, while coming to terms with one’s traumatic past. Dandicat dedicates her first novel to all the â€Å"brave women of Haiti, grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, daughters, and friends, on this and other shores†(Dandicat, 5). This novel that portrays the travails of the lead protagonist Sophie, forges a link between the four generations of women within a family, by finding a common thread of suffering and abuse. This story with its strong political and emotional dimensions, delves into the mother-daughter relationship, and seeks to find solace at the end through various processes of self examination and self expression. There is also the complex correlation of an individual with his mother land. This is evident in the story, when we learn that Sophie was conceived when her mother was raped by a member of the Tonton Macoute (political goons in Haiti) in a cane field, which allegorically also refers to the exploitation and abuse of Haiti, the motherland. The story also portrays a community that cherishes its heritage, which speaks of courage and survival, and a strong will to fight back oppression. This heritage is transmitted through their story telling, and we see this when Sophie’s grandma tells her â€Å"if you see a lot of trouble in your life, it is because you were chosen to carry a part of the sky on your head†(ibid, 25). This tradition of storytelling to pass on the heritage is also evident in mythical
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Ken Yeang | Architect Case Study
Ken Yeang | Architect Case Study Introduction Most of today many architect had design many green building because the design of the built environment on human health with to reduce to the overall impact and the environment have an efficiently using energy, water and other resources. After that, it also reducing waste, pollution and environmental degradation and the last is protecting occupant health and improving employee productivity. Green building practices aim to reduce the environmental impact of building. The first rule is that the greenest building is the building that doesn’t get build, the second rule is that every building should be as small as possible and the last rule is not to contribute to sprawl, even if the most energy efficient, environmentally sound methods are used in the design and construction. Figure 1.1 Dr. Ken Yeang Ken Yeang is a famous green architect. He is a Malaysian architect, born in 1948. He also is an ecologist and author known for his signature ecological green architecture and masterplans, differentiated by an environmentally authentic ecology-based approach. According to the book â€Å"A Manual For Ecological Design†that had been written by Dr. Ken Yeang had said that his aim is to produce or design and maintain ecosystems like structures design of the buildings and the systems with integrate benignly and natural environment but in the relation to global biosphere process, he had built the building with a form and systems function with sensitivity to the locality’s ecology, and contribute positively to biodiversity. The goal is using a low ecological consequence to built it, structures and systems to low consumers of non-renewable resources. After that, the design is to facilitate disassembly, recycling and can be reintegrated back to the natural environment. His philo sophy is regionalists do not see themselves as looking for a specific national identity but merely building a passive design shelter in response to the local climate. Background Figure 2.1 Menara Meseniaga in Subang Jaya The headquarters IBM in Subang Jaya near the Kuala Lumpur, there have a green building that is Menara Mesiniaga. Menara Mesiniaga had been completed build in 1992 and the first conceived was in 1989 by Dr. Ken Yeang.Dr. Ken Yeang and T.R Hamzah had designed a building which have a high tech corporate showcase for highly visible and technology industry. Dr. Ken Yeang had designed this building, Menara Mesiniaga as an example of his design of the green building and using his principles and his knowledge of bioclimatic skcraper. The building, Menara Mesiniaga is an analogy for analysis and synthesis, Menara Mesiniaga also is an environmental filter’s building. Menara Mesiniaga had been builder with a basis Malaysian building and it evolution to a modern style building by using his principle. It is Ken Yeang’s vision of the tropical garden city and it uncovers the relationship of building, landscape and climate. The main idea and concepts for this building is using the sky gardens that serve as villages, spiralling vertical landscape, recessed and shaded windows on the east and west, curtain wall glazing on the north and south, single core service on hot side-east, naturally ventilated and sunlit toilets, stair ways and lift lobbies and spiral balconies on the exterior walls with full height sliding doors to interior offices. Menara Mesiniaga is a modern architecture and modern architecture has few characteristic. The characteristic of the modern style is the design using a visual emphasis on the vertical and horizontal line and especially in International Style modernism. After that, they also using a industrially to produce material like glass, stainless steel and so on. They also using the material with natural material and to be seen rather than concealed or altered to represent something to the design. The design has a visual expression of the structure like they had design the building by hiding the structure element. After that, they also clarity and simplicity of the forms and elimination when they built the building. Analysis In Malaysia, the characteristic of the architectural had been combines the vernacular with the experimental and modernist, but in general is mostly contemporary design and in local architecture, Menara Mesiniaga also is one of the contemporary buildings. During the post war period, European influence was followed by a Malaysian period, and the characteristic of the high rise buildings with high plot ratios. High tech building is the most recent and significant in Malaysia. Ken Yeang designed Menara Mesiniaga as an example of his bioclimatic skyscraper practices and principles. Climatically Malaysia is a hot and humid country and the Kuala Lumpur is about 3 degrees North of the equator. Rainfall is is heavier along the East coast than the West coast. West coast and consequently, so is most of the population. The country has no distinct winter or summer. Figure 3.1 Menara Mesiniaga Materials and technology The materials that had been use for the structural system of Menara Mesiniaga are reinforced concrete, with a steel structure used for the mezzanine and balconies. The function of using reinforced concrete is because the reinforcing schemes are generally designed to resist tensile stresses in particular regions o the concrete that might cause unacceptable cracking or structural failure. The foundation is using the bore concrete piles and the principal structural members are reinforced concrete and a structural frame uses steel outriggers. The infill is using the brickwork for internal fire protected areas. After that, the glazed panels for the external fire cladding and gypsum board for internal partitioning. The imported aluminum composite panels for cladding with local spraytile finish to other masory areas. The floor was imported granite in the lobby with homogeneous local tiles for the poolside, toilet and roof terraces and the imported carpet and tiles for the office areas and l ift lobbies. Besides that, the ceiling also had imported the mineral fibre board for office areas and lift lobbies and the fibrous plaster and gypsum board for ground floor reception, auditorium and exhibition space. The roofing had imported metal deck roofing for the sky gymnasium and the local tiles on a reinforced concrete slab on the roof terraces and also painted mild steel outrigger for the roof structure and mezzanine. 3.2 principles of bioclimatic design Α. Improvement or regulation of environmental conditions (microclimate improvement) The improvement and adjustment of environmental conditions occurring on the construction of the building is succeeded with the overall strategic planning of the building in order to make the best use of the sun, the prevailing winds, the ambient temperature and humidity. B. Exploitation of solar energy The exploitation of solar energy is achieved by the proper design of the building envelope (to maximize the absorption of solar energy during winter and minimize it during summer), the proper orientation of spaces and especially of openings (the southern orientation is the most appropriate), the proper sizing of the openings, a layout of the interior spaces based on thermal requirements and the adoption of the appropriate passive applications that collect sunlight and can be considered as natural heating systems. C. Thermal protection of buildings and protection through shading The thermal protection of a building is mainly achieved by the appropriate design of the openings to prevent the escape of heat, the proper insulation of the building envelope and the proper arrangement of internal spaces (rooms used more frequently are placed in the south to avoid the cold north). With the protection of shading the major goal is to protect the building from overheating during summer with by strategically placing internal or external, vertical and horizontal blinds. D. Systems and passive cooling techniques It refers to the building’s microclimate control, its shading and to the minimization of thermal loads during the warm summer months through openings and the shading of opaque envelope components. E. Natural lighting Natural lighting refers to the exploitation of direct and indirect light in order to ensure adequate comfort conditions, even light distribution in the interior during all seasons depending on the building type. F. Acoustic protection The acoustic protection of a building is achieved through the proper planning building orientation in order for the building to be protected from noise (constant or arbitrary). Bioclimatic design strategies are effective for â€Å"envelope dominated†structures, to provide a large portion if not all of the energy required to maintain comfort conditions. The â€Å"internal load dominated†buildings is like the commercial kitchens, hospitals, windowless stores and offices. The lights, heat of occupancy and equipment are the experience high internal gains imposed. After that, the external climatic conditions complex influence on achieving comfort and low energy utilization. The available day lighting benefit to all the buildings can relate heating and cooling impacts and means of control are essential. The resources of bioclimatic design are the natural flows of energy in and round a building and it created by the interaction of sun, wind, preciption, vegetation, temperature and humidity in the air and in the ground. In some instances, this ambient energy is useful immediately or stored for later use and in other case. Ken Yeang was designed Menara Mesiniaga with some objectives: the building has a good view has a green area and had created a sky garden receiving the natural sunlight to decrease using the light good control of air movement and the fresh air interaction with shadow, nature and sunlight using the function of bio climitic surrounding had been designed with less noise and distraction have a good cooling and heating and also good adjustable temperature relaxation of the provision at interior and exterior area 3.3 COMPARE AND CONTRAST One of the famous green building that is London’s Gherkin Tower and the building was designed by Norman Foster. The plants that plating at the London’s Gherkin Tower mostly is a mixture of grasses and lichens and also are expexted to envelope the facade and grow out of the panel. After that, the function of the panel is soaking up of the water and through its specialized membranes and make sure that the plants have absorb enough of water and growth up nicely. They have many type of the panel like they are using recycling materials, reduce water consumption and make sure that didn’t wasted in the interior space they have a reduction of toxicity and using the sunlight to increase the internal day lighting and thermal insulation, for the entire building have a energy generation. The design of the planting is very different with the London’s Gherkin Tower if the building compare with Menara Mesiniaga. The design of the Menara Mesiniaga is not using the techniq ue of soaking to the building, it only plant it at outside of building. The design of the building is use the natural ventilation to reduce energy consumption and the building has a smart control system and low faà §ade heat gain.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Andy Stern’s A Country That Works Essay
The president of the largest, Andy Stern, fast-growing and dynamic union in North America named SEIU or Service Employees International Union has just recently launched his new book and even conducted a nationwide tour just to promote it. The SEIU president’s new book which is entitled â€Å"Getting America Back on Track: A Country that Works passes judgment on the union of laborers or workers which are present or established nowadays because they have not adjusted or conformed to the current political landscape. Furthermore, he disapproves on the labor unions failure to bring the workers together and unite them on a common goal. Andy Stern in his books lays out a plan that he believed would refurbish or repair the current tax system. Furthermore, the plans that he proposed aimed the transformation of the health care system and fix the retirement system. His new book also includes certain strategies or arrangements to improve the current existing education. Andy Stern’s book is basically concern with the decline of the United States trade union movement. Andy Stern is aware that economy is changing and that there is a great mass of working class that requires equality. The economy is changing by shifting the power more towards those in the authorities and less to the working class. Furthermore, there is a decline or decrease in the rate of private sector unionization and reached the lowest level even before the year 1900. In addition to this, as economy changes and the power shifts to an inequality, the role of the labor in the economy is also changing. As the occurrence of mass protests, especially those that come from the immigrant workers in the United States, and the worker or labor strikes and protests conducted in France continues to increase, the losses which the companies or corporations incur also increases. As the labor tends to slow down, the process and company’s working time decreases and productivity is affected. Andy Stern’s new book is actually not directly aimed at the workers. Furthermore, it does not also include the advancement of any serious strategy in combating the present or occurring corporate assaults on the jobs of individuals and most especially to the living standards. On the other hand, the book is able to inform or give a certain warning to the administrators in the corporate world and the ruling elite. It warns them that if the unions who have worked hard and served the corporate world, more especially in America for already a long period of time, is allowed to collapse, there would be serious and dangerous social upheavals. Furthermore, it gives a forewarning that these social upheavals, if it goes outside the control of those in power or of the labor bureaucracy, would greatly increase. The labors which are organized should be in an innovative position as to create new leadership and perspectives. In the old days, manifestations from the labor unions are mainly expressed through strikes and workers tend to stop from working. This is not a good habit for it does not only incur losses to the corporations but also to the workers as well. Being laid-off from work could also be a problem in the old ways, especially if a union continues to ask its members to do strikes or constant protests. The new organized labor should innovate or reinvent itself to create more ideas in creating solutions to the root of the problem. There would be no serious struggle against the present social inequality if the organized labor’s old ways continue to be of practice. It is therefore necessary or required that the labor union would create or establish an independent political and socialists movement that is composed mainly, if not solely, of the working class. On a different perspective, it can be noted that it is impossible not to understand and be familiar with the effect no matter the degree or even if it was immense, of the increasing productions made by the transnational corporations. It is also impossible to recognize what globalized productions could do with regards to the old labor organizations. On the other hand, acknowledging this fact and be able to create ways of moving forward through a progressive answer are poles apart. According to Andy Stern, the country or the United States labor bureaucracy could outsource the strikes conducted by the labor unions or workers. He stated that the country could give the workers who are in strike a certain â€Å"pay strike†especially in low wage countries. Furthermore, he believed that this could be an alternative in calling out its own members on strike, would eventually reduce the number of strikes conducted by the labor unions. If the workers or labor unions are ready in conducting strikes in the United States and the companies or corporations would also be ready in paying them to strike, then there would be an increase in the losses incurred. It would be very much costly as to when a pay was not given to those who would go on strikes. But, paying the laborers in India, Indonesia or other places to conduct strikes and protests against the same global employer would incur less loss and is basically not that expensive. These assumptions are however blunt and has a mark of certain arrogance to it. It should be noted that an international working class movement should have its grounds on a plan or an agenda that ensures mutual solidarity in achieving liberation for all. It is not good to use workers from other countries to serve as pawns in achieving a narrow and constricted national interest. The final chapter of Andy Stern’s book includes his proposals for the reordering of the society. From his proposals, it could be analyzed that here is none that goes beyond the milk toast reforms which are pressed forward by the sections in the Democratic Party. In addition to this, it can also be noted that his proposals have no chance of being adopted or accepted because the big businesses or corporations do not want any infringement on its profits. These measures which Andy Stern stated were supported by another proposal that he made. He proposed to the capitalists and even to their political representatives that these are under their best interest. Though on the other hand, it may somehow state a conscious duplicity or self-deception and cynicism vaguely. In some cases, cynicism somehow dominates. Andy Stern has some dulled statements which support these points of view and somehow admit that the labor bureaucracy’s alliance together with the Democratic party is worthless or hollow. The statement is somehow correct, in the point of view of an individual who understands through politics or capitalist politics. But in the point of view of a political struggle in general, that statement is basically incorrect. Andy Stern, in some parts of his book, is able to write or create reactionary conclusions which are basically based from the right or proper observations. He puts forward or suggests addressing the incapability, generally the failure, of the labor unions’ alliance with the Democratic Party. On a different point of view, it can be said that this only puts the labor unions in forming closer ties with the Republicans. Generally, Andy Stern’s book, from one chapter or part to the other, is really thought-provoking as to what methods or proposals should be really followed.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Broken Family
Coherence – means â€Å"holding together†. A paragraph is coherent when its major parts are all close joined together. It is considered as the continuity between as well as within the paragraph. It is very important to arrange and link the sentences between the paragraphs to be able to make the readers follow the thought or the idea that want to be implied. . Careful selection and arrangement of sentences so that they lead up to one idea (which is also known as the principle of unity) becomes more effective when the logical relationship between sentences is made clear. The writer should take pains to indicate the steps of the progress or forward movement which is involved in the idea of development. The principal means of achieving coherence is found in the arrangement of sentences to show a clear sequence of ideas, and in the use of structural devices to show the logical connection between sentences. There are two general ways of obtaining coherence in a paragraph. The first one is by the order in which the sentences are arranged. The second one is by structural devices such as transitional words and phrases, reference of pronouns and repetition of keywords. A. Order of sequence- arrangement of materials within a paragraph depends upon the nature of the subject itself and upon the purpose of the writer. All writing that aims to communicate ideas demands a logical arrangement and connection, but the kind of logic and connection depends upon the different materials and purposes. The problem of coherence is to arranged the sentences in a definite orderly sequence. 1. Descriptive details a. Order of place- arrangement in a spatial scheme. Details correspond to their actual position and progress in space. b. Order of outstanding feature- choosing a detail from which one works out and around. c. Order of relative importance- selecting detail that will make the greatest impression and then centering the description around it by reinforcing it with the rest of the details that will create the desired effect. 2. Narrative details- chronological order Events are arranged in a temporal scheme; one sentence follows another in the order of their succ ession of time. 3. Logical order- inductive method and deductive method In the logical order, materials are arranged in an order determined by reasoning. The writer may use the inductive method. It is done by starting the statement with more particular detail going to and supporting the general statement. And the deductive method. It is done by establishing a general statement moving to the more particular details that explain the general statement itself. B. Structural device Coherence in the paragraph has to do with the mechanical expression of the relationship between sentences, with the signs that indicate the connections between related units. These signs of continuity must be expressed in a clear, fluid movement that should make the course of the writer’s thought easy to follow. There are three general ways of doing this. 1. Transitional words and phrases Conjunction and conjunctional words and phrases make clear the connection between sentences. The writer should carefully study the exact relation of successive ideas in order to use these expressions accurately. 2. Reference of pronouns The forward movement of ideas is carried by pronouns and synonyms if the reference to their antecedents is clear. 3. Key words Significant words and phrases that are repeated several times in the paragraph make an idea or aspects of an idea stand out prominently. Broken Family Saturday, 06 March 2010 * Broken Family Relationships: When to Walk Away, and When to Run I have always had trouble getting along with my mother. Ever since I was old enough to have an opinion and arguably before then, my mother and I have been at odds. On top of that, I never even had a great relationship with my dad but that's a topic for another post entirely. A vast majority of my friends, peers, and coworkers have a relationship with at least one parent. It has really caused me to question a lot about my faith, myself, and the fairness of not being able to choose one's parents. The idea of a parent is a tough one.What does it take to make a parent? What is a good parent and what is a bad parent? Absentee parents fall somewhere in between because even if they live at the same address as their children, they're emotionally unavailable. According to dictionary. com, the definition for parent is: a mother or a father. I'm no expert on the etymology of words, but I think we sho uld redefine parents a bit. A parent is someone who loves, nurtures, and cares for their young. There are plenty of â€Å"parents†in the world who may not have bore children of their body but have certainly bore children of their heart.As a young Christian, I have been tormented by my relationship with my mother and my other family members. Over the years, my relationship with her and my siblings has deteriorated tremendously. On the one hand, Christians are told to be loving. We are to endure with one another and bare with one another. This is noble philosophy and life doctrine but implementation of it is excruciating. How do we know when to â€Å"endure with one and bare with one another†and when to draw the line to protect ourselves from mistreatment? I have grappled with this concept for years.When I have asked my friends their opinion, most of them shrug their shoulders and insist that I have to accept my family how they are. Obviously, these are individuals wit h relatively functional families. They have no idea what I'm subjecting myself by toughing it out and â€Å"dealing†with some of my relatives. Only until recently has God really started drawing my attention or I've been more attentive, to what His word says about parents and baring with them. A few days ago, I read 1 Kings 19: 20-21. It says: â€Å"Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. Let me kiss my father and mother good-by,†he said, â€Å"and then I will come with you. †â€Å"Go back,†Elijah replied. â€Å"What have I done to you? â€Å"†¦. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant. †In this verse, Elisha does not go back to his parents. Instead, he leaves his farming equipment and speeds to follow Elijah. In Hebrews 11:24, the Bible says â€Å"By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. †In reality, Moses was the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter but he re's where the debate on parents comes in.Pharaoh's daughter had parented Moses as if he were her own son. But Moses refused this tie to the Pharaoh's daughter. Similarly, Christians are free to cast down false relationship or ties to people by faith. Being cared for as a child is important but it should not be the sole reason why we keep contact with or relate to people that did so. Parenting is so much more that providing for a child. It is having a relationship with a child. I am sure that there are many people who have family problems. Not everyone needs to disown their parents and siblings to deal with it but sometimes it is necessary and even ordained by God.In Genesis 12:1, the Bible says: â€Å"The Lord had said to Abram, â€Å"Leave your country, your people and your fathers' household and go to the land I will show you. †The very first book in the Bible contains a story where God ordains a mighty man to leave his father's household. We are not meant to stay with o ur parents forever. There are plenty of stories throughout the Bible of people being at odds with family members. The story of Joseph is a prime example of sibling rivalry and dissension that leads to Joseph being betrayed and sold into slavery. His brothers were his blood kin but they did not have his best interest at heart.Maybe one way to analyze the story of Joseph is to say that God recognized the jealousy in the brothers of Joseph. Hence, he decided that it was even better for him to be sold into slavery than to live around a den of jealousy amongst â€Å"family ties†. Mothers, you can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em. But God says that He will not leave us even when our mothers do. In my post: â€Å"In my Darkest Hours†¦ â€Å", I discuss the tension that can exist between family in greater depth. That post also talks about God's response as a loving Father and how He intervenes in these circumstances.How do you define a parent? Have you ever ha d a really tumultuous relationship with a parent that you couldn't over come? If you did overcome it, how so? Do you think that God may be calling you to something greater that will draw you away from conventional family ties? When do you bare with a parent, and when is it time to walk away from emotionally abusive relationships? 1. Isang pamilyang di magkasundo o/at magkahiwalay or divorced. 2. Ang broken family ay ung pamilyang nagkawatak watak kaya ngakakaroon ng broken family ay dahil sa ating mga magulang na hindi nagkakaunawaan. . If the father and the mother decided not to stay with each other because of their difference then that's what you called broken family. News Print Article  |   Email Friend  |  Reprint Permissions Broken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for Children By Gudrun Schultz UNITED STATES, January 16, 2006 (LifeSiteNews. com) – The U. S Center for Marriage and Family released a study in November 2005 that show s broken family structures consistently lead to education difficulties for children. When it comes to educational achievement,†the study says, â€Å"children living with their own married parents do significantly better than other children. †The report found that children from non-intact families (children living in a situation other than with their own married father and mother) have significantly higher rates of difficulty with all levels of education, from pre-kindergarten through to primary, secondary, and college-age levels. Each year a child spends with a single mother or stepparent â€Å"reduces that child’s overall educational attainment by approximately one-half year†suggests the report.The study, a comprehensive review of recent academic research on the relationship between family structures and children’s academic performance, compared education outcomes from children growing up with their own married parents to children in non-intact family structures such as divorced, single, remarried or cohabiting parents. Family structure was consistently found to be the deciding factor in a wide range of child behaviors that directly influence academic performance, including emotional and psychological distress, attention disorders, social misbehavior, substance abuse, sexual activity and teen pregnancy.Children from non-intact homes had higher rates of stress, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, particularly as teenagers. The study found that preschool children from broken homes were three times more likely to suffer from attention deficit disorders than children from intact homes. Children from single-parent homes suffered from more physical health problems, as well. Pre-school children from single-parent homes were also less likely to be read to or given help with letter-recognition. ADuring elementary school, children from non-intact families scored consistently lower on reading comprehension and math, and had more difficulty maintaining their grade levels overall. Children from married parents had much lower rates of behavioral problems in the classroom than children who did not live with married parents. In particular, boys from broken marriages showed a higher rate of classroom misbehavior. For teenagers, students from broken homes were 30 percent more likely to miss school, be late, or cut class than students from intact homes, in part because single parents had more difficulty monitoring their children.These children were also at higher risk for smoking, using drugs and consuming alcohol. Teenagers from non-intact families were more likely to be sexually active and had higher rates of pregnancy. Girls from divorced single-mother homes were at greatest risk for teenage pregnancy. The study also found that children who were in a single-parent or step-parent home by the time they were ten were more than twice as likely to be arrested by age 14. A Children who never lived with their own fath er had the highest likelihood of being arrested.The study reports that a majority of U. S. children will have spent a significant part of their childhood in a one-parent home by the time they reach 18. Single parent homes in the U. S. nearly doubled in the period from 1968-2003. Family Structure and Children’s Educational Outcomes: http://www. americanvalues. org/briefs/edoutcomes. htm broken family is one where the parents (mother and father) of a child or children have split up and no longer share a single family home as a family unit. This is also known as a broken home. Broken Family Coherence – means â€Å"holding together†. A paragraph is coherent when its major parts are all close joined together. It is considered as the continuity between as well as within the paragraph. It is very important to arrange and link the sentences between the paragraphs to be able to make the readers follow the thought or the idea that want to be implied. . Careful selection and arrangement of sentences so that they lead up to one idea (which is also known as the principle of unity) becomes more effective when the logical relationship between sentences is made clear. The writer should take pains to indicate the steps of the progress or forward movement which is involved in the idea of development. The principal means of achieving coherence is found in the arrangement of sentences to show a clear sequence of ideas, and in the use of structural devices to show the logical connection between sentences. There are two general ways of obtaining coherence in a paragraph. The first one is by the order in which the sentences are arranged. The second one is by structural devices such as transitional words and phrases, reference of pronouns and repetition of keywords. A. Order of sequence- arrangement of materials within a paragraph depends upon the nature of the subject itself and upon the purpose of the writer. All writing that aims to communicate ideas demands a logical arrangement and connection, but the kind of logic and connection depends upon the different materials and purposes. The problem of coherence is to arranged the sentences in a definite orderly sequence. 1. Descriptive details a. Order of place- arrangement in a spatial scheme. Details correspond to their actual position and progress in space. b. Order of outstanding feature- choosing a detail from which one works out and around. c. Order of relative importance- selecting detail that will make the greatest impression and then centering the description around it by reinforcing it with the rest of the details that will create the desired effect. 2. Narrative details- chronological order Events are arranged in a temporal scheme; one sentence follows another in the order of their succ ession of time. 3. Logical order- inductive method and deductive method In the logical order, materials are arranged in an order determined by reasoning. The writer may use the inductive method. It is done by starting the statement with more particular detail going to and supporting the general statement. And the deductive method. It is done by establishing a general statement moving to the more particular details that explain the general statement itself. B. Structural device Coherence in the paragraph has to do with the mechanical expression of the relationship between sentences, with the signs that indicate the connections between related units. These signs of continuity must be expressed in a clear, fluid movement that should make the course of the writer’s thought easy to follow. There are three general ways of doing this. 1. Transitional words and phrases Conjunction and conjunctional words and phrases make clear the connection between sentences. The writer should carefully study the exact relation of successive ideas in order to use these expressions accurately. 2. Reference of pronouns The forward movement of ideas is carried by pronouns and synonyms if the reference to their antecedents is clear. 3. Key words Significant words and phrases that are repeated several times in the paragraph make an idea or aspects of an idea stand out prominently.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Declaration of Independence and the American Ethos...
Imagine traveling from the oppression that seeped from the government in Great Britain during the nineteenth century to a foreign land with the hope of living a better life. This life included â€Å"Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness†(Jefferson, 247). This life would also provide a government that allows the citizens to dictate how they are governed and the people’s opinions are always appreciated. This new government would need to be implemented and a set of ethics would need to be created. This land I am talking about is now considered the United States of America and its foundation for its ethics is the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, is a document that the majority of†¦show more content†¦These rights are the very core of American ethos. The colonizers traveled to America in hope that they would have liberty from Parliament in Great Britain. They wanted freedom to be themselves and have happiness. President Clinton correlates with the core American ethos given by Declaration of Independence when he discusses American values being, â€Å"freedom, democracy, individual rights, and free enterprise†(Clinton, 149). His statement is exactly what the inalienable rights described in the Declaration are portraying. Freedom is what America was built on which goes hand in hand with democracy, rights, and free enterprise. President Clinton also references the core ethics declared by the Declaration of Independence during his speech. He talks about the American ethic that the power of the government is in the hands of the people. He states that the election he is running in â€Å"is about putting the power back in [the hands of the people]. It’s about putting people first†(Clinton, 149). Putting the people first is making sure that the governed have their rights and freedoms. The laws hinted while listing the faults of the King of Great Britain in the Declaration also show American Ethos. Americans believe in â€Å"no taxation without representation†(Jefferson, 249). The King taxed the colonist without allowing them to haveShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of The Declaration Of Independence856 Words  | 4 Pagesits ethics is the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, is a document that the majority of American’s know about. It is taught to children as early as elementary school. I remember learning about its basics all the way back in second grade when my teacher had the class put on a play about American history. As young as I was I knew the document is important but the thought did not occur to me that it is the basis for American Ethos. 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By modeling the declaration after Jefferson s Declaration of Independents she creates a patriotic tone in order to pursued all women and men, particularlyRead MoreRoosevelts Arsenal of Democracy Analysis1550 Words  | 7 PagesRoosevelt’s Arsenal of Democracy Analysis Throughout American history we have seen many great presidents as well as many bad presidents ingress the White House. All of our great presidents have revealed good moral values as well as a respectable system of beliefs. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt established his American ethos heavily during his terms in office, particularly during World War II when he addressed the nation on the impending issue of national security in his speech entitled â€Å"TheRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Benjamin Banneker821 Words  | 4 PagesJefferson, framer of the Declaration of Independence and secretary of state to President George Washington, arguing against slavery. Banneker constructs an argument in his letter to persuade Jefferson of the cruelty and inhumanity that slavery entails. Motivated by the desire to convince Jefferson to abolish slavery, Banneker appeals to pathos by comparing slavery to the American Revolution, appeals to logos by referencing the Declaration of Independenc e, and establishes ethos by making a biblical allusionRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Frederick Douglass s `` Why The Slave Is The Fourth Of July ``1007 Words  | 5 Pagesfight for African-American rights in the 1852 America in his writingâ€Å"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July†speech, he uses rhetorical devices in order to build and establish an argument. In his speech, his intention is to make slavery completely abolished . Frederick Douglass believes that America’s independence celebration on the fourth of July is not right when not all American’s truly have that right because of slavery. Through his use of three rhetorical devices, ethos, pathos, and logosRead MoreEssay on The Success of the Declaration of Indepedence656 Words  | 3 Pages On July 4th every year, Americans all across the world celebrate Independence Day, the day the United States declared their independence from Great Britain. The mechanism they used on July 4, 1776 was â€Å"The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States†written by Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration Of Independence was a success by using various types of support, ethos (ethic), pathos (emotion) and logos (logic). The first paragraph lays the logic (logos) behind people separating from theirRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence And Independence1501 Words  | 7 PagesThe Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important document in U.S history that helped led to this country s independence from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence helped us earn our freedom to become an independent nation with our own rules. However, without Thomas Jefferson and the rest of their concerns and reasons for separating this wouldn t have been possible. The writing alone wouldn’t have made this document memorable.The use of rhetoricalRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1058 Words  | 5 Pagesand oppression towards black Americans. One of the explanations that the I Have a Dream address by Martin Luther King Jr. is memorable is that it contains a superb balance of Aristotles 3 rhetorical appeals: attribute, pathos, and logos. Ethos is associate charm to authority or credibility. King uses 3 authorities for his speech: Abraham Lincoln, The Declaration of Independence, and the Bible. The rhetorical triangle is composed of ethos , pathos, and logos. Ethos is convincing the consultation
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